Harting Sbírka katalogů říjen 2013

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Vydal: HARTING s.r.o. Autor: HARTING

Strana 431 z 808

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Poznámky redaktora
A tio has been eve ific lly Han-Eco® sin to h old tiv cto r.# Han-Eco® H an-Eco® sin series ade tic terial. 94: 0 - Degree tio acc. A tio ith ica tre th Fast sse cess ith ls H iro stre ss, ita r use lic tio s N arly range ule fro m H series usable F ria l - olyam ide, fib rce d - ockin olyam ide, fib rce d - seal: NBR - itin . Like the Han® stan ard rie Han-Eco® series vailab llo g sizes: and ding size, rsio ulkh ad m tin and hood ith tra ang can lie .. H an-Eco® ideal tio lic tio ire the range f p ffe the Han® series sin gs, and users take a dva nta and dvantages. The an-E co® sin tib ith rly the range ule fro the H n-M series.. One xtra ule fits Han-Eco® sin d to the iva Han® rie This ecia re a lie all sizes. DIN 529 r co 65 EN ISO 9001 and 001 rtifie d HARTING ponent Range . Fast, sim ple sse lick-a te desig lly lim the need rin sse the an-Eco® housing. +125 °C - ility acc