Harting Sbírka katalogů říjen 2013

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Vydal: HARTING s.r.o. Autor: HARTING

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Poznámky redaktora
Datapath, Derby, UK HARTINGhar-link®connector 6 elecom unications . Each connector pro­ vides either one RGB YPrPb input. The Mosaic-HQ provides combination four standard and four high quality video windows for video wall applications that require high quality video overlays. Mosaic High Quality Multi Video Overlay for Windows Desktop. Datapath Limited, located Derby, UK, world leading innovator the field computer graphics and video wall display technology. The Mosaic-HQ PCI video capture card equipped with 4 har-link® connectors.har-link® AND THE BIG sCREEN Besides the telecommunication market products are used various technically sophisticated applications. The company has operated exclusively these areas since it was founded 1982. Recently Datapath have released the Mosaic-HQ. The overlay in­ dows can positioned and sized anywhere the video wall. HARTING's har-link® proved the right interface for this application due to its shielding, speed and its high density which allows x 10 way connectors per board