Harting Sbírka katalogů říjen 2013

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Vydal: HARTING s.r.o. Autor: HARTING

Strana 409 z 808

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Poznámky redaktora
58 HARTING elecom unications . The connector defines the mating interface the AdvancedMC™ module and of­ fers the highest contact reliability independent the PCB quality.inconjunctionwiththe McHplug, the second plugversion, amulti tongue management module for MicroTCA™(MicroTCA™carrier Hub, McH) can built. N. using the HARTING AdvancedMC™ Plug Con­ nector able optimise the high reliability the AdvancedMC™ module., sanktAugustin, Germany the HARTING AdvancedMc™-plug in ENABLER: AMC-p G N. The N. The product portfolio dedicated the embedded market, covering requirements from local area networks (LAN) up to wide area networks (WAN). embedded platforms are complemented sophis­ ticated protocol stack solutions like ISDN, SS7, ATM or TCP/IP adapted common real time operating systems to build optimal solution. The AdvancedMC™ Plug replaces the card edge with connec­ tor reduce the wear and corrosion.T. N.T. product range includes standard interface modules for local and wide area networks based common hardware standards such as AdvancedMC™, MicroTCA™, VME, CompactPCI, PMC, PCI and others.T.A.A. the expert for high performance connectivity products for data and telecommunication solutions. The AdvancedMC™ Plug address­ es the potential problems that can caused the close defined tolerances required and the variable quality the PCB production that can effect card edge connections.T.T.A. N.A.A