Proprietary tools tool sys
tems were quickly implemented. ALCATEL, based Eu,
France, has opted for CPM2001/s-type press-in machines as
part its flexible and efficient processing solution. Tools
and handling are crucial for optimum processing well
as ensuring uniformly high quality.
With their powerful insertion force 100 and the high
ly flexible and intelligent insertion force monitoring func
tion, the CPM2001/s were predestined meet the require
ments the ALCATEL plant.
5 HARTING elecom unications
. The optimum utilization
of the four machines that were already installed was ac
complished via the data available the internal computer
Connectors are playing increasingly vital role press-
in technology for telecommunications applications. this way possible retrieve all key data at
each individual machine within seconds, thereby ensuring
flexible and efficient processing all times. Thanks
to their networking capabilities and high flexibility in
connection with outstanding operator convenience the
insertion machines were capable meeting the highly spe
cific requirements existing production processes