Poznámky redaktora
HARTING elecom unications
HARTING solutions are easy ork ith and install,
and they uphold the requ ired perform ance character
Connector technologies have cope ith extrem de
mands terms the transm ission axim data
volum especially the telecom unications area.
In all areas connector technology, HARTING sup
porting leading anufacturers telecom munications
infrastructure equipm ent early the design-in stage.
Base stations must able reliably guarantee the op
eration cellular radio-com unications, even during
heavy traffic periods., plays an
ever increasing portant role. hen considering ultim edia applications and
th eir constantly increasing data rates and the steadily
advancing degree integration electronic modules
and components, the choice connectors having high-
frequency transm ission characteristics, such cross
talk, insertion loss, reflection property, etc