Ha-Vis eOon 7050-A1
People Power Partnership
Han®3A RJ45 10Gconnector
. proved pos
sible install the proposed Ethernet solution close the
bag filling line without special enclosure mounting
device, which reduced both the time and cost the instal
Ethernet finding increasing use the manufacturing
The lb.
The proposed solution comprised HARTING Automation
IT package made Ha-VIS eCon 7050 switch with
five connections combination with Han® RJ45 con
nectors and industrial Ethernet cabling. bag filling line was identified suitable loca
tion which deploy HARTlNG's Automation products
in order optimize the production process and thereby
help the customer save manufacturing costs.
HARTIN analyzed the time lag between data recording
and manual correction the bag filling line and confirmed
that the process could vastly improved with the aid of
real time monitoring Ethernet the production area. In
the interests deploying long-term solution, HARTING
recommended solution, which would take account
of the harsh environment (high volumes dust and mois
ture) which the switch was installed. leading manufacturer Connectivity Net
works solutions, HARTING was given the opportunity to
implement automated solution using Ethernet technol
ogy for this bulk food manufacturer.switch installation
Accurate measurement critical for company selling products
based weight