Poznámky redaktora
The completely assembled connector has been tested and
easily meets the latest vibration test criteria. Han-Quintax® specially
designed handle very sensitive signals with loss of
signal. LoramMaintenance ofWayInc. the past, the communication
system was hardwired between cars.
Loram desired connectorization for the shielded coax Con
trolNet® cable and found the Han-Quintax® connector be
an excellent solution.
HARTING nsportation
Loram manufactures rail grinding equipment that incorpo
rates high power, flexible grinding modules configura
tions ranging from grinding stones. Communica
tion between the grinding cars accomplished coax
based ControlNet® system. The timesavings
are dramatic over hard wiring. When cars had be
separated, each conductor had disconnected hand
and then reconnected when the cars went back together. Han-Quintax® highly shielded,
low impedance, 4-pin connector that assembled into the
Han-Modular® frame connector and then assembled into IP
65 hoods and housings., Hamel (MN), USA
With over 170,000 miles track the United States, rail is
the single most valuable asset most railways.
Large, hoods were selected that coax cables
could disconnected the same time. Extending
the life the rail rail grinding considered the single
most effective maintenance practice control the effect of
rolling contact fatigue, restore profile and maximize value
from the rail asset