Harting Sbírka katalogů říjen 2013

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Vydal: HARTING s.r.o. Autor: HARTING

Strana 278 z 808

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Poznámky redaktora
Since the Han® connectors are located externally, they are consequently subjected thermal, mechanical and cor­ rosive ambient conditions: namely heat, cold, vibration, and the impact stones, salt, etc. Sensors are fitted the axles order obtain information about the correct functioning the bearings and current speed. Connectors along with cables are used with these sensors transmit the relevant signals the evaluation electronics. order guarantee problem-free operation even under these extreme condi­ tions, connector required that specially designed for this type demand: the solution the use HARTING Han® HPR housing (HPR: High Pressure Resistant).N SAFE USE UNDER EXTREME ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Han®HPRhousing 22 In this rail bogie application, connectors are used trans­ mit rpm and bearing temperature signals the bogie of the “Blue Tiger” diesel locomotive. Han® HPR hoods and housings are suitable for maximum protection underneath and external the vehicle and in extreme conditions. The connector function guaranteed by the following features, e.g. the event fault, quick and safe disassem­ bly low cost experience.: • protection • Use non-corrosive alloy • Internal, protected seal • Fastening screws within the sealed area • Locking elements made stainless steel HARTING nsportation