Poznámky redaktora
HARTING achine anufacturing
. Han E®
connectors within and hoods provide connectiv
ity sensors while connectors the Han DD® range pro
vide connectivity the heaters. Ac
complishing this requires comprehensive understanding
of polymer and fluid behavior, rheological science, fluid
mechanics, structural mechanics and thermal dynamics,
as well in-depth process knowledge. And, today, more
processors buy Cloeren dies than any other brand. Dies must meet exacting requirements, with
out strictly limiting the processor’s operating window. Cloeren brings all
these disciplines one package.Biaxallyoriented filmdie. The company’s commitment innovation be
gan with the introduction its first patented feed block in
Han®48 Bhood
In addition providing sound connection the compo
nents the manifold die, HARTING connectors also provide
quick installation and change out for Cloeren’s key custom
Han®108 DDinserts
Cloeren sets the standard die design technology and
HARTING connectors are utilized Cloeren connect sen
sors and heaters within “zones” the manifold dies. Cloeren Inc. Since then, the number patents issued Cloeren
stands unsurpassed any competitor., Orange (TX), USA
Cloeren Incorporated the world leader extrusion die
technology. Depending the flatness
and/or thickness the product sheet flowing through the
die, the connectors provide feedback loop adjust the die
opening for optimal control