Harting Sbírka katalogů říjen 2013

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Vydal: HARTING s.r.o. Autor: HARTING

Strana 241 z 808

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Poznámky redaktora
Various other Han® industrial connectors are also available for communication with additional machine plant com­ ponents, and allow the robotic head tools pluggable.POWER AND SIGNAL TRANSMISSION ROBOTS i a , L r ' Ä ti < 3 Ír ’ í■! i * * . Connectors are essential low cost robotic applications, as fixed wiring for assembling, testing, transport and com­ missioning the system the field would far too ex­ pensive. Using the strength their robust mechanical design and IP protection, the Han® connectors are suitable for all industrial applications. Han®6HsBcontact inserts Han® industrial connectors are important components in realizing maximum flexibility when comes assembly, testing, transportation and commissioning modern ro­ botic systems. ad­ dition, connectors from the Han DD® series are often used and enable signal transmission (10 250 mini­ mum amount space. An industrial robot essentially consists two components: the control cabinet, which controls the functions the robot and communicates with other robots plant com­ ponents, and the industrial robot itself. Connectors from the Han-Modular® series particular, play important role and enable the combination both signal and power transmission single connector. Various Han® in­ dustrial connectors are used transmit both signals and power between the control cabinet and robot. 34 HARTING actory utom ation . Other products from the Han® EE series provide connectorization for power transmission and are rated 500 The supply power the entire robotic system can also designed pluggable for ex­ ample, using Han® HsB insert (rated 500 V)