Harting Sbírka katalogů říjen 2013

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Vydal: HARTING s.r.o. Autor: HARTING

Strana 231 z 808

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Poznámky redaktora
1999 Connectors with high contact density, rectangular design - DIN 46247, Sheet 1/March 1975 FASTON receptacles (FASTON) - DIN 46343, Part 1/May 1981 FASTON with latching tongue - DIN 53517/April 1987 Determination the residual set after constant deformation 6.5 VDE - VDE 0627 Draft dated Jan. 6 Specifications and Standards 201 .1.4 DIN - DIN 43652, Part 1-2-3/Dec.1.6 DIN IEC - DIN IEC 326/1991 Printed circuit boards - DIN IEC 512, Parts 2-9/May 1994 Measuring and testing techniques for electromechanical components of electronic devices - DIN IEC 112/June 1979/VDE 0303, Part 1 Techniques for determining the Comparative Tracking Index and Proof Tracking Index creepage path formation solid insulating materials in humid conditions. Safety requirements for screw terminals and screw- less terminals for electrical copper conductors 6. 1985 175301-801/Nov.1.DIN 60417-1-2/May 2000 Graphical symbols for equipment - DIN 60423/April 1995 Conduit for electrical installations - DIN 60512- 1/June 1995 IEC 512-1 Measuring and testing techniques for electromechanical components of electronic devices - DIN 60999, Part 1/April 1994 VDE 0609, Part 1 Connecting material. 1997/DIN IEC 48B/560/CD Safety aspects, testing program for connectors and plug devices 6