These companies were forced find ways maintaining
their level service quality despite personnel cutbacks.1 Background
For decades, standard 3-phase motors have been connected via terminals.
For many years, has been standard practice connect variable-speed
motors via circular connectors. 5. Service departments
were affected.2: Motor with motor connecting housing
. The motor coils well the bridges for
the temperature detecting element and the brake are terminated directly at
the connector. 5.Special Applications 183
5 Special Applications
5.2 Han-Drive@Housing Motor Side
The idea behind the Han-Drive® system replace the terminal block with
an appropriately designed housing.
Fig.1: Motor with conventional terminal block
Fig.1 Han-Drive® Motor Connectors
At the beginning the nineties, competitive pressure forced numerous
companies cut costs many areas their activities.
The terminal block (with six stud terminals for terminating the six motor
coils) was considered integral part the motor.
These considerations led the development the Han-Drive® system