Harting Sbírka katalogů říjen 2013

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Vydal: HARTING s.r.o. Autor: HARTING

Strana 209 z 808

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Poznámky redaktora
Industrial connectors are important for rail vehicles and ships well power generation and distribution, where they have become integral components electrical equipment. .3 Fields Application For years experts have predicted the demise connectors, claiming that new technologies will make them obsolete. However, the increasing numbers connectors worldwide use suggest there are good reasons for using them. provides quick and safe connection the test equipment; and enables simple on-site connection the plant or machine. Incidentally this has been said about other components well.” 1. The connector has already fulfilled two important functions. Modular design preferred for the majority technological applications. For final assembly, they are merely joined together. put simply: “There place for the industrial connector all applications requiring a safe, removable electrical connection, even under the harshest environmental conditions.4 Advantages In light the above, the following question arises: Why use connector interface? - The connector the most expensive electrical interface - Statistics show that the average connector inserted and removed only about ten times over its lifetime - Machine system functions are not influenced connector When these facts are taken into account, difficult justify the use of connectors. This list applications could continued indefinitely. Time and safety are crucial for both functions.Introduction 19 1. The functional modules plants and machines are completely pre-assembled and tested. However, there wide range applications for industrial connectors, especially mechanical and plant engineering. There are two basic considerations: Firstly, from the vantage point manufacturers machinery, systems, transportation systems other equipment. They are also used the design and construction equipment, medical technology and construction machines