178 ____________________________________________________________
There universally applicable technique for classifying insulation
materials with regard their tendency form creepage paths. This identification will make easier recycle the materials the
end their useful life. Insulation
materials vary the way they form creepage paths the presence of
contamination and voltages.214: Material identification
4.1 Identification
A bill currently being debated the European parliament specifies that
plastic components heavier than must have material identification. The growing
importance plastics, rapidly replacing ceramic for insulating materials,
made specification necessary. 4.2 CTI Value
CTI Comparative Tracking Index
The CTI value comparative index for the formation creepage paths. CEE Publication 17, dated October, 1958,
describes method for testing creepage current resistance.8.
EN 175 301-801 specifies that connector inserts based ISO 1043,
Parts 1+2/1990 must marked with the identification mark for the plastic