The parts are immersed aqueous passivation emulsion.1 Silver
The conductivity silver excellent, better than gold fact.069 14.3
176 ____________________________________________________________
Material Specific resistance Conductivity in
Ohm mm2 m
in Ohm mm2
Aluminium 0.7.023 43.
This surface protection used for aggressive environments.
4.061 16.
Due the thinness the layer, the poor electrical conductivity nickel is
insignificant.12 8. The brass contacts are first
plated with 3-pm nickel layer (diffusion barrier) then with 2-pm gold
layer the contact area.4 The Specific Resistance and Conductivity Various
Table 4. This
surface protection sufficient for almost all industrial connectors
applications. The contacts are silver-plated,
with layer thickness pm. The electrical
conductivity gold significantly less than that silver, but due its
constant contact resistance, used special applications.5
Tin 0.7. brownish
sulphide layer easily develops its surface.016 61
Zinc 0.7. Silver produces moderate diffusion
4.4.3 Nickel
A 5-pm layer nickel applied protect large-surface parts, such earth
panels.2 Gold
The finest surfaces are created with gold plating.
Copper 0.7.028 36
Gold 0.5
Silver 0.017 58
Brass (CuZn40) 0.067 15
Nickel 0. This can be
very important, especially for small currents and low voltages