Harting Sbírka katalogů říjen 2013

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Vydal: HARTING s.r.o. Autor: HARTING

Strana 176 z 808

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204: Example 4: Condition: Path under consideration includes rib. Creepage path follows the contour the groove. 4. 4.203: Example 3 Condition: Path under consideration includes V-shaped groove with a width greater than mm. Rule: Clearance the „line sight“ distance. 4. Rule: Clearance the shortest direct air path over the top the rib. Fig. Rule: Clearance the „line sight“ distance. Clearance distance:---------------------Creepage distance: . Fig. Creepage path follows the contour the groove but „short-circuits“ the bottom the groove link. Creepage path follows the contour the rib.170 Fig.202: Example 2: > mm Condition: Path under consideration includes parallel-sided groove any depth and equal more than mm