Poznámky redaktora
4.Degree pollution 1
No pollution only dry, non-conductive pollution occuring. has no
influence (air-conditioned clean and dry rooms).6.
Degree pollution 4
This pollution generates persistent conductivity, for example, result of
conductive dust, rain snow (outdoor and open-air locations).
Degree pollution 2
Only non-conductive pollution occurs except that occasionally temporary
conductivity caused condensation expected (sales rooms, fine-
mechanic workshops, laboratories, test labs, medical rooms).1.6.
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Degree pollution 3
Conductive pollution occurs dry, non-conductive pollution, which
becomes conductive result condensation, which expected
(industrial and agricultural plants, unheated storage rooms, workshops,
boiler rooms).4 Homogeneous Field
Electrical field with basically constant-voltage gradients between the
electrodes (homogeneous field), such the electrical field between two
spherical bodies whose radii are larger than the distance between them.5 Inhomogeneous field
Electrical field with basically non-constant voltage gradients between the
electrodes (inhomogeneous field)