Poznámky redaktora
Alternatively, protective earth terminals can designated the use the
bi-colour combination GREEN-YELLOW. However, only one earth conductor may be
connected per terminal.
This applies small parts such screws, rivets, and nameplates and to
parts inside enclosure, irrespective their size (e.
Solder connections are only permissible terminals which are suitable for
Parts which not require connection the protective earth system
It not necessary connect exposed conductive parts the protective
earth circuit when these parts are mounted that they not constitute a
hazard because:
- they cannot touched large surfaces grasped with the hand and
they are small size (less than approximately mm) or
- they are located that contact with live parts insulation failure is
General requirements
All terminals, especially those the protective earth system, shall be
secured against self-loosening.
Every protective earth terminal point shall identified such, using the
symbol 60417-IEC-5019.
It not permissible connect protective conductors fittings used to
attach connect appliances parts. electromagnets of
contactors relays well mechanical parts devices).] The protective earth terminal points shall not have any other function.
Two more conductors may connected terminals only the latter are
designed for that purpose.
This identification must not placed screws other removable parts.(Extract from 60204-1)
Protective earth contacts must identified the symbol >=>', PEN.g.
(For information symbols, refer IEC 60417 60417...
Protective earth terminal points
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