Návody k různým produktům Enika Nová Paka ...
Poznámky redaktora
01. Depress all the remaining push-buttons the
same transmitter simultaneously.Connect the supply voltage and within 30s de
press all the push-buttons the transmitter si
multaneously. The actuation indicated a
short acoustic signal.
Technická data Technical data
Napájení Power supply:
Spínaný výkon Output power:
Délka výstupního pulzu Length the output
Maximální počet kódů paměti Maximum
number codes thr memory:
Provozní kmitočet Frequency:
Provozní teplota Operating temperature:
Stupeň krytí doporučené poloze System of
protection the recommended position:
Počet kódů Number codes:
Rx Pulse (H)
9 ~=
1. the programming all the push-buttons the
same transmitter required, depress all the re
maining push-buttons the transmitter simulta
3. 2), of
the maximum outside diameter mm. Depress twice and for extended period any
push-button (any combination push-buttons) of
the transmitter.
The mounting bracket the receiver (1) installed in
a suitable place means enclosed dowels and
expansion bolts. For this pur
pose there must employed the other transmitters
(Tx Pocket Key, Tango, Time/Element. 1. the received code consists with one the
stored ones, the receiver actuates the output relay for
a period sec. Disconnect the supply voltage from the terminal
clips the receiver and connect again. Depress any push-button the transmitter the
code which you wish erase. mm2
49 (225) mm
asi about g
Připojovací svorky Connecting clamps:
Vnější rozměry Outside dimensions:
Hmotnost Weight:
* případě potřeby většího počtu kódů kontaktujte výrobce. will sig
nalled with four ascending tones li= .
F) Erasing all the codes (without employing the
Tx Pocket MASTER)
By inserting the short-circuiting connector and shifting
it out repeatedly least).
2., depress all the push-buttons of
the already loaded transmitter.). Thanks its
universal output and the wide range the supply
voltage, compatible with the control units al
most all the world manufacturers the drives.
Forbidding load (erase) codes (without em
ploying the Pocket MASTER)
After having disconnected the supply voltage and
connected again, possible forbid load
(erase) codes inserting the short-circuiting connec
tor into the printed circuit board (Fig. will signalled by
six equal tones
Error reports
-the code the memory the receiver already
(writing the code), the code not the memory
(erasing the code): signalled with short se
quences tones Éfe,
-memory the receiver filled: signalled with four
sequences two long tones üta.
The supply voltage and the output the receiver are
connected means four-wire cable (Fig.
4. The proper writ
ing the code into the memory the receiver
for all the push-buttons signalled with three
equal tones .Within sec...
V Nové Pace dne 03. Next, the conductor
is protected against tearing out screwing blind
Hereby, ENIKA.o. Vladimír Afilitký,
řízení sytémujakosti
asi about.
The point the points 2+3 can repeated for
other transmitters. Depress twice and for extended period the
push-button (the combination push-buttons)
that you have selected for the control purposes.
If another code has been loaded already the mem
ory the receiver when the Pocket MASTER to
be employed, necessary confirm the com
mands the transmitter transmitting any code that
has been loaded already. Depress twice and for extended period the
push-button (the combination push-buttons) of
the new transmitter.)
first and only afterwards the selected transmitter Tx
Pocket Auto. will signalled with four as
cending tones li= .
* more codes are needed please contact the producer.
The Pocket MASTER serves for direct change
over the programming regime, avoiding the neces
sity interrupt the supply voltage. Disconnect the supply voltage from the terminal
clips the receiver and connect again.
4. This
changed code evaluated receiver with high
degree protection (Rx Pulse H). serve for the following
■ (WRITE CODE) for entering the programming re
B) Programming ALL THE PUSH-BUTTONS of
the transmitter into the blank memory the re
ceiver the receiver will react when any push-button
is depressed.
Na zařízení není dovoleno provádět dodatečné technické úpravy!
It forbiden any technical modifikations the device!
Zařízení lze provozovat základě VO-R/10/06. The request for confirma
tion signalled three short tones equal
height., declares that this Pulse,
Rx Pulse compliance with the essential re
quirements and other relevant provisions Directive
D) Erasing individual code
1.2009-9 podmínek v
něm uvedených.CZ s.r.
The Pocket MASTER can cleared only the
erasing regime individual codes (see D), de
pressing all the push-buttons the Pocket
MASTER simultaneously, loading another Tx
Pocket MASTER (with different code).
190 PRAHA Pod arfou 933/86
IČO: 28218167
tímto prohlašuje, výrobek
Rx Pulse, Pulse H
přijím dálkového ovládání
433,92 MHz
-100 dBm
-je shodě základními požadavky 426/2000 Sb.
Floating code
When depressing the push-button the transmitter, a
part the transmitted code amended always*.g. for the opening house garage doors etc.
The receiver Pulse receives the radio signal sent
by the transmitter (code) and compares with the
pre-recorded codes stored the memory the re
ceiver. 3). The interconnecting conductor (2) is
pulled through the bottom the cover the receiver
(3) and its ends with the insulation stripped off are
connected the terminal clips the printed circuit
board (4), shown the fig.
The writing the code into the memory the re
ceiver will signalled with three equal tones
The point can repeated for other transmitters.
The employment the receivers Pulse allows to
unify the remote controls various producers with
transmitters produced ENIKA that the user
should able employ common controller for all
the required operations (closing and opening the
garage, the gate, lighting front the garage of
the house, central locking the automobile etc.
The Pocket MASTER loaded depressing the
push-button (+) the programming regime (see A,
druh výrobku:
Prohlášení shodě
ENIKA. The receiver turned the prescribed posi
tion vertical installation with the antenna directed
upwards (maximum permitted deflection 30”, see
the Fig.Take out the short-circuiting connector per the
Fig. The writing its code into
the memory the receiver will signalled with
three equal tones .Within sec. every transmitter provided
with unique code its own the manufacturing
plant, the receiver and consequently the drive the
garage door can governed only the transmit
ter that has been pre-loaded the memory the re
ceiver. In
such case, one controller carried with the keys will
do all the necessary functions.
The point can repeated for other transmitters.
The changeover the operating regime signalled
by the tone bell %.
E) Employment the Pocket MASTER
Where frequent writing and erasing the codes is
expected, recommendable employ the Tx
Pocket MASTER with special code (it must or
dered separately).
The time between writing clearing the individual
codes must not exceed sec.
■ (CLEAR CODE) for entering the erasing regime
of the individual codes. The proper writing the code into the
memory the receiver for all the push-buttons is
signalled with three equal tones .
To provide the protection against undesirable han
dling, both the receiver and the connecting conductor
should situated out the reach strangers.
1. situated the printed circuit board (if in
ing. The printed circuit
with the lid the cover (5) introduced into the bot
tom, and locked with two screws. situated the printed circuit board (if in
serted). The changeover to
the regime erasing individual code sig
nalled with four descending tones . The writing the code into the
memory the receiver will signalled with
three equal tones . These receivers
are employed all the places where attempts con
trol the equipment transgressors can feared,
e.Take out the short-circuiting connector per the
■ (CLEAR ALL) for entering the regime erasing
all the codes sec). depress all the push-buttons the
already loaded transmitter.
3. The erasing is
signalled with three equal tones .
* Floating code not transmitted Keyboard, Tx
Signal U/C and Signal U/C DIN transmitters.Connect the supply voltage and within 30s de
press all the push-buttons the transmitter si
multaneously. Depress all the push-buttons the transmitter
again, for period sec.
The transmitters Pocket and Auto not al
low enter the programming regime.CZ o.
C) Programming the code from another trans
1. will signalled
with four ascending tones li= .The receiver Pulse serves for the remote control
of garage doors, gates, locking bars etc. 100 DC
250* (100 Pulse H)
433,92 MHz
-30 +70 °C
IP 33
224 (+232 Pulse H)
šroubovací screw-
type max. outside environment), and locked in
its position tightening the screw (7) the mount
ing bracket. platném znění
- odpovídá základním požadavkům dalším ustanovením evropské direktivy
1999/5/ES (R&TTE) (Směrnice radiových zařízeních telekomunikačních
koncových zařízeních vzájemném uznávání jejich shody)
- splňuje požadavky těchto norem předpisů:
rádiové param etry: ČSN 300220-3:2000
EMC: ČSN 301489-3:2000
elektrická bezpečnost: ČSN 950-1:2003
Toto prohlášení vydáno výhradní odpovědnost výrobce.
The receiver intended for the outside use, the
positions shown the Fig.
The point the points 4+5 can repeated for
other transmitters.
■ (END) changeover the operating regime.
The individual push-buttons the Pocket
MASTER, shown the Fig. will signalled with four as
cending tones li= .
A) Programming ANY PUSH-BUTTON the
transmitter into the blank memory the receiver
- the receiver will react solely when the respective
push-button depressed. After this period
elapses, the receiver reverts the operating regime