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Poznámky redaktora
bmwa.com, 06.bayern.October 2008 [2] European Commission: Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC), Reference Do- cument Best Available Techniques the Pulp and Paper Industry.october 2008 [10] Siemens: Press release; Generating electrical power instead disposal landfill: Sipaper Reject Power extracts electrical energy and process heat from residues from paper pro- duction, Wiesbaden-June 27, 2006, from the Internet: www.de, 16.at.november 2008 [16] From the Internet: http://www., 06.): Handbook pulp, Volume Wiley VCH Verlag GmbH Co, KgaA, Weinheim (Germany), 2006 [5] Anders Thoren (Ed.unmweltdaten. December 2001; from the Internet: www.com/ press, 16.gv.): Handbook pulp, Volume Wiley VCH Verlag GmbH Co, KgaA, Weinheim (Germany), 2006 [7] European Enviroment Agency: Paper and Cardboard recovery disposal? Review of life cycle assesment and cost benefit analyses the recovery and disposal paper and cardboard, EEA Technical Report 5/2006; Copenhagen 2006; ISBN: 92-9167-783-3 [8] Initiative 2000 plus; Kritischer Papierbericht 2004; Essen, 2004 from the Internet: www.org, 05.infonetz-owl.): Handbook paper and board; Wiley VCH Verlag GmbH Co, KgaA, Weinheim (Germany), 2006 [4] Herbert Sixta (Ed.october 2008 [11] Johann Gullichsen (Ed.ideaexchange.77 IUSES Používání energie průmyslu Odkazy [1] The paper making process From wood coated paper: Sappi idea exchange; from the Internet: www.), Carl-Johan Fogelholm(Ed.): Chemical Pulping; Book of “Papermaking Science and Technology” series books; published cooperation with the Finnish Paper Engineer`s Association and TAPPI [12] Jan Sundholm (Ed.de/publikationen/fpdf-k/papierb_kurz.lfu.) Paper the Ecocyle, Media Express Fallköping 1995, ISBN: 91 88198-21-9 [6] Herbert Sixta (Ed.pdf, 10.siemens.October 2008 [3] Herbert Holik (Ed.de/umweltwissen/doc/uw_49_papier.pdf, .industry.Energyefficiencyasia.): Mechanical Pulping; Book “Papermaking Science and Technolo- gy” series books; published cooperation with the Finnish Paper Engineer`s As- sociation and TAPPI [13] EDUCOGEN the European Educational tool cogeneration, second edition, september 2001; from the Internet: www.cogen.october 2008 [9] From the Internet: http://www.org, 05. november 2008 [14] UPM Steyrermühl; Umwelterklärung 2004 2006 [15] From the Internet: www.sappi