in 1911. His experimental work had "one jump ahead the Sales
Department.] Engineering Department Records, Box Laboratory binder.
The position product engineer was the logical outcome the product specific
work that the laboratory had done since the formation Thomas Edison, Inc.274 returned Building around 1916.272
272 Frank Dyer Nelson Durand, March 26, 1907, National Phonograph Company Records,
Commercial Department.
Holland found difficult work the third floor, where was given space
next the music room. The noise and lack space compelled him move into
Building work around 1912.
John Constable.furnished with draftsman and reported directly the superintendent the
Phonograph Works and the manager the Business Phonograph department. Telfair was Holland’s assistant, who concentrated the production
aspects the new designs and dealt with the Phonograph Works. Holland was hired replacement for Hibbard 1910. The emphasis manufacturing and
marketing was reflected the job description which was classified under
experiments, development, manufacture, and sales. John Constable replaced Miller Reese Hutchison chief
engineer 1918. He
had assistant, and sometimes used additional helper. went to
become product engineer for the cylinder record around 1918.273 Holland’s work covered all
aspects the dictating machine: improved reproducers and control devices,
completely new machines aimed special uses (including spring driven portable
machine), and the development some Edison’s pet projects, such the
275 John Constable "The Product Engineers [of which there were eight]," [Copies were also sent to
Charles Edison and other executives. He
had years experience the design electrical apparatus, including five years
at Western Electric, where had worked the original design section and rose
to head the experimental laboratory Chicago.
W. Each engineer was attached specific product and was directed to
improve and perfect its manufacture. Telfair.
273 Newman Holland Nelson Durand, February 10, 1910 (in 1910, WOL-Employees).
274 MRH TAE, October 29, 1912 (in 1912, WOL-General). Although member the
laboratory staff under the supervision the chief engineer, was expected to
remain close contact with the manufacturing and sales departments who often
initiated his work.
Newman Holland. Although Hutchison probably used office the second floor,
when Constable became chief engineer, his office was located the third floor