EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
L. There evidence that the role this department changed. inscription inside the album cover reads, "Presented A., December 1893, 231 Floor Plan, second floor, building November 26, 1916; "Thomas Edison Personal Floor Areas Laboratory Building," November 25, 1918 (in 1918, WOL--General).O. 230 Figure 116 appears Album 12, catalog 560, W. Gibbs, the phonograph product engineer, for "developing lecture ‘sound and the 70 .232 In 1920, experimental rooms the second floor were used Dr.231 1920 the jewel department undertook the development new method producing diamond points with the laboratory also making spindle units for diamond rounding machines. Building Second Floor A photograph (figure 116) taken W. 229 Edison Pioneers Records, Box 20. Dickson prior 1894 shows the wall and least one door the rooms lining the south side the precision machine shop. Tate by his friend Thomas Edison, Orange, NJ. In 1916, Edison, Hutchison, and Charles Luhr worked their offices along the courtyard side the second floor, but there were experimental rooms left by 1918, only rooms for cabinet design and the jewel department. One room, presumably room and the elevator enclosure were all that remained.L. In 1918, the machine shop occupied all the floor space from the stairs the east end; roughly matched the floor space the heavy machine shop below it.inventory the stock room was made after the 1914 fire and none had been made 1917. Dickson’s name appears both the lower left and lower right corners the image.K.230 careful examination the floor and ceiling the machine shop indicates that the line offices stretched from room the elevator, along the length the shop.K.228 One his assistants was James Bums who worked the stock room from 1925 1931. 232 Minutes Meeting the Board Directors Edison Phonograph Works, March 1921, Minute Book the microfilmed collections the Charles Edison Fund, reel 6.229 229 "Thomas Edison Laboratory Payroll Comparison’s [sici“, December 14, 1920, D-Box Collections - Box D10 West Orange. By 1914, most the experimental offices along the side the precision machine shop adjacent Lakeside Avenue had been removed and their staff disbanded and moved elsewhere. In 1920 the stock room was supervised Frank McDermott. These rooms served experimental rooms, each fitted for a specific project task