EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
Every surviving payroll for this period shows the employment boys.208 208 1889, WOL-Machine Shop Accounts, D-89-69. These men were often found the machine shops carrying out construction or cleaning tasks various parts the site. The term "boy" probably referred any young man his teen years. 212 Thomas Maguire Alfred Tate, November 19, 1888 (in 1888, Edison, T. One newly-arrived immigrant who took job laborer in the West Orange laboratory was Fred Devonald, who later became the storekeeper. 211 Historian’s Note 101."212 The February 1890 payroll lists experimenters, including Walter Miller but excluding the Otts.-Secretary, D-88-20). One particular payroll dated 1890 showed nine laborers. 210 "Complainants Exhibit Work Kinetophone Experiment from February 1889, February 1890," Thomas Edison American Mutoscope Company and Benjamin Keith.The rates pay ranged from cents cents hour and the men worked from hours per week. 1888, one of the clerical staff noted that "our present staff ofjuveniles are excessively stupid. A payroll for the week ending February 1890, shows machinists work, including Fred Ott. Walter Miller an example experimenter who began his Edison career boy. Dickson and Kennelly were the highest paid, indicating their 66 . Sometimes they are called apprentices but normally they were noted the payroll boys. They worked all parts the laboratory: some did clerical work the library, some assisted experimenters and some helped out the machine shop.211 remained that post until 1903.A. John Ott, who was salaried, was the chief superintendent along with two others that rank. At West Orange these youths carried out light work, ran messages, and had the opportunity learn the trade the West Orange laboratory. 209 1890, WOL-General, D-90-64.210 Many unskilled workers were employed the West Orange laboratory.209 A list laboratory employees who worked the motion picture experiments from February 1889 February 1890 shows high rate turnover the laboratory, for many the names are not found the February 1890 payroll and several machinists who worked this project 1889 are not found in 1890