Edison’s birthday in
1927, ’’turned out for the occasion fine long coat and striped trousers,"
serving master ceremonies visitors and the press the library Edison
.) See figure 79.189
Meadowcroft was always presence the laboratory.
188 Laboratory Labor and Material Ledger, 1918-1931, Work done March 29, 1921, Accounts Records; and
A. the early part the twentieth century
Meadowcroft left the Lamp Works, returning 1908 assist Dyer and Martin in
the preparation their biography Edison.William Meadowcroft.187 Altengarten was Meadowcroft’s
assistant charge production reports.
187 The Coakley interview also states that Meadowcroft’s desk was the corner the library, and the
Roderic Peters and A. Ryan handled all Meadowcroft’s business when he
took rare vacation during the summer 1922 and Meadowcroft’s explicit
directions him imply that Ryan was very familiar with his desk and work
area. Ericke interviews refer Meadowcroft working the library. 1885, Meadowcroft left his position and struck out independent
venture. His office was moved from the library to
the second floor Building 1921, and former employee recalls him also
working the third floor the 1920s.
By 1922, Meadowcroft’s assistant was Frank Ryan, and likely that Ryan
also worked the library.188
186 "Autobiographical Sketch William Meadowcroft" and Edison Pioneers Obituary, Edison Pioneer
Records, Box 26. 1887, returned Edison industries, becoming assistant the
manager the Edison Lamp Works Harrison, New Jersey, and eventually
manager the X-ray department. Johnson/K.
189 Frank Ryan William Meadowcroft, August 1922, and notations; Frank Ryan William
H. 1911 photograph
shows Meadowcroft seated his desk the alcove and 1917 photograph
Henry Altengarten and another unidentified man are posed around Meadowcroft
seated desk the same location. (Both
interviews from the Oral History Project. Ericke interview, March 29, 1971, Oral History Project, 31.E. Johnson/K.E. Eaton, vice
president and general manager Edison Electric Light Company New York
City.B. Meadowcroft, August 10,1922, and notations; and William Meadowcroft Frank Ryan, August 5,
1922, Biographical Collection. Meadowcroft’s desk was located alcove or
"A," the southwest comer the library, and probably worked the library
over the entire course his career Edison’s secretary. During this time also wrote The
Boy's Life ofEdison
Edison asked William Meadowcroft become his assistant and confidential
secretary the autumn 1910. Meadowcroft began his association with Edison in
May 1881, when accepted position assistant Major S