. Rosenstein.130
130 William Meadowcroft TAE, August 18, 1911 (in 1911, WOL--Meadowcroft’s Reports).Ignatius Goldstein. worked the chemistry
laboratory from 1907 1915 and then the Silver Lake plant from 1915 until
November 1918. Lancaster was English experimenter who worked on
shellac, phenol, and other chemicals used make records. Lancaster. devised several
methods produce the thin nickel flake that was the heart the new
battery.”134 Rosenstein
worked the laboratory from 1910 1911.
His duties ranged from basic analysis the electrolyte taken from batteries to
mixing developers used the photography department.
135 Historian’s Note 90.. Rosenstein acted Goldstein’s assistant testing and chemical
132 TAE Goldstein, August 1911 (in 1911, Battery, Storage-General, 2). made the
solutions that were used electroplating baths and the solutions that cleaned
them. Christensen was Dane who experimented with
various chemical mixtures used records and also was charge the
production oflithium for the storage battery.136
. was employed in
the laboratory from 1910 1912.
131 Experiments and analysis orders found 1914, Battery, Storage. Goldstein came West Orange 1909 from Warsaw,
Poland, Edison’s chief analytical chemist charge testing.
133 Historian’s Note 90. was also
heavily involved experiments involving electroplating nickel and producing
various chemical solutions used the electroplating process.
134 Goldstein Miller, October 20, 1911 (in 1911, WOL-Employees).[who] shows much knowledge in
inorganic and organic chemistry also analytical researches.133 Goldstein
described him quiet and steady workman. Both Goldstein and Rosenstein worked room Building before
space was made for them the chemistry laboratory around 1910.
1M Edison Pioneers Records, Box 21.135
Peter Christian Christensen.131 Edison’s absence was put charge the chemical building. was then transferred back the West Orange laboratory,
which left May 1919 pursue his own interests.132
He left 1913