EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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worked in Building from 1910 1914. Edison devoting large part the Laboratory the task of carrying out his ideas the subject teaching motion pictures. Naval Observatory in Washington. Greene. Greene). worked at the Bronx film studio the Edison Manufacturing Company and could have been employee the Edison Manufacturing Company, Motion Picture Department who was loaned out the laboratory (see for more Dr. 87 Dinwiddie material Biographical Collection.Alex Werner."85 was probably stationed this building.W. 89 Edison Works Monthly, October 1912, 4.C. His terms of employment were ’’devote [his] entire time and attention perfecting process of manufacturing and reproducing both kinetoscopic and lantern slide pictures in natural colors.) 88 TAE W.87 was one new breed laboratory employees West Orange, formally trained engineer with considerable experience commercial practice. The advantage such film subjects was that they could filmed at West Orange and the laboratory’s own equipment could used them. 88 W. the pilot plant for that project was 37 . Greene "Pat”, March [1910]. addition general photographic experiments he also worked the kinetophone--Edison’s attempt talking pictures. Werner was hired 1900 work color films. This was ambitious project make a series films scientific and technological subjects used schools and in the home. Dinwiddie, December 13, 1911, Letterbook 88, (LB088091). Dr. This work was carried out Building the third floor Building and some filming was evidently done Building employees’ magazine, published in 1912, noted that "Mr. Greene was also photographic expert.86 Walter Dinwiddie. was member the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and had worked the U.88 Dinwiddie must have made good impression Edison for was put charge of the Educational Film Project 1912."89 As member the team experimenting duplicating records likely that Dinwiddie also worked Building from time time.S. started work experimenter 1912 and was paid $42 week, quite lot for Edison’s laboratory. Around 1914 was put in charge duplication disc records. (This collection contains biographical material on individuals associated with Edison; filed alphabetical order. 85 James White Alex Werner, June 15, 1900 (in 1900, Motion Pictures, D-00-15). Dinwiddie came West Orange 1911 from the Alvan Clark Son Corporation. Employee Records Laboratory Payroll Time Sheets, Box 74