EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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His staff carried out thorough investigation primary and secondary batteries which might used with the battery powered phonograph then under development the laboratory. addition perfecting film projectors and designing machines develop film, wanted develop talking films and a method making films color. 78 Dyer, Martin, and Meadowcroft, Edison: His Life and Inventions, 653. was the pride Edison and the centerpiece his impressive laboratory. The success the motion picture product increased the amount experiments devoted and after 1899, Edison began set rooms Building carry out basic research into photography.Building 1 The laboratory Building was one the best equipped, not the best equipped, electrical laboratory the United States. claimed that "the star exhibit was the galvanometer room.’’77 This impressive facility suffered a major setback 1892 when the Newark Electrical Passenger Railway laid its tracks right next the laboratory, rendering its sensitive testing equipment useless. this building Arthur Kennelly tested several types electric motors under consideration for the phonograph. 1915 35 .79 Newman Holland and his staff worked here until they joined the other product engineers the third floor Building around 1916. During the 1890s the number workers this building dwindled. Dyer and Martin’s account Edison’s career states that 1910 Building 1 housed mainly photographic and motion picture experiments and that much the electrical equipment that was still this building was unused." In addition measurement and basic experiments electricity, this laboratory also played important part Edison’s campaign develop commercial phonograph. The decrease electrical experiments undertaken the West Orange laboratory caused corresponding decrease the staff the electrical laboratory shortly after the laboratory opened. 79 Holland moved here because was too noisy and crowded building (See 106. New experimenters moved into Building became the site numerous projects that were overflowing from the main laboratory building.) MRH’s caption in figure dated February 1915, Photograph Album 10, catalog 5209: "The ‘dictating machine' department moved into galvanometer room 1914.78 After 1914 this building became the center experiments the business phonograph. David Trumbull Marshall was sometimes given the task showing visitors around the facility. 77 Marshall, Recollections ofEdison, 67