EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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48 possible this demonstration took place the third floor. Edison wanted bring the products his laboratory the public’s attention and also needed attract capital from financiers. It appears that the third floor was divided two floor-to-ceiling partitions which ran north south and divided this floor into three large spaces. 48 Charles Batchelor diary, catalog 1337, November 11,1887, 27.3.47 The most pressing job for Edison his new West Orange laboratory was make up the ground lost Charles Sumner Tainter and Chichester Bell improving the tin foil phonograph 1877. The commercial promotion invention was an important element the business innovation. Edison’s sketches for the new laboratory included projection room for lantern slides, but there is no evidence the finished laboratory included special room for that purpose. Building Third Floor This floor remained empty when work began the laboratory November 1887. Although many details Building remained unfinished, Edison exhibited new model phonograph members the National Academy Sciences November 11.one sketch done Notebook N-87-00-00. Work motion pictures did not commence until 1888 after the main laboratory building was completed.46 48 Dickson and Dickson, The Life and Inventions Thomas Alva Edison, 295. Within the westernmost room (also known the music room), Edison established recording studio shown figure 132. 47 Drawing Notebook N-87-00-00. Edison knew that had move quickly recover the lead this race develop commercial technology sound recording. Exhibition and demonstration space was important Edison the new laboratory. The windows behind and the right of the piano player overlooked Main Street. 24 . Experiments improved commercial talking machine required such areas, would the future development motion pictures. The high ceiling and large open spaces made this floor suitable for function that Edison had considered when planned the laboratory-an exhibition hall show off his latest inventions. The enclosed area, whose exact purpose unknown, abutted the south wall, Lakeside Avenue.3 these rooms are assigned the third floor, but contemporary source located them the second floor. was expert manipulating the press provide free advertising for his work. 1886, Bell and Tainter demonstrated talking machine using wax cylinders