EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
EDIS collection acquire. Acquire. Acquire. 319 . FOUNTAIN PENS, (on desk) Common early twentieth century office supply Acquire. SHELVES (on north wall, east visitor area) Figure 130. SPITTOON (near desk) Figure 130. Reinstall. Acquire. Double INKWELL (on desk) Voucher 428, 1890. OUTLETS, (hanging from cords, over drafting tables) Figure 130. PENCILS, Eagle brand (on desk) Voucher 428, 1890. Reproduce. BOOKS, FILES, PLANS (stored shelves) Figure 130. OFFICE CHAIR, wood, with arms, swivel style (at desk) Figure 131. EDIS collection acquire. WASTEBASKET, wire (beside desk) Common early twentieth century office supply Acquire. Acquire.CLIPBOARD (on desk) Common twentieth century office supply; may used in figure 131. LIGHT FIXTURES, metal shades, dark exterior, light interior, each with single, large globe Figures 130 and 131. EDIS collection acquire. PAPER FASTENER (on desk) Common early twentieth century office supply Acquire