EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
The tables are furnished with typical drafting supplies such as scales, blue prints, T-squares, triangles and dusting brushes. 314 . Essentially, the work taking place this room included designing and measuring new parts and products and distributing blueprints and specifications the appropriate production departments the Phonograph Works.651 In 1910 there were nine draftsmen the payroll, and the plan reflects this by recommending the room furnished with nine drafting tables addition a supervisor’s desk. 851 Wilson memo, June 24, 1910 (in 1910, Phonograph). The water cooler should placed far enough from the barrier area that will not be touched visitors. When this room open the public, visitors will enter the drafting room through the center doorway, and exit through the westernmost doorway the north wall. Dyer and Martin also mention "draughting room," along with the experimental rooms the second floor Building Early the 1910-1920 period of interpretation this room became the site new engineering and experimental department which seems have had responsibilities similar those the drafting department.Building Drafting Room Two photographs, figures 130 and 131, depict the drafting room 1914 and 1915. A waist-high barrier bordering the doorway area will installed