EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Use EDIS 698/E-999 (original) BENCH, oak plank top on wood frame, 16’ long 30" deep 36" high (section 65-68) Typical early twentieth century machine shop furnishing., Boston, MA (section 68, under bench E-941) Typical early twentieth century machine shop furnishing. FITTINGS bench E-955: Bench Vises, Parker 22 Bench Vise, Parker 22X Bench Vises, Parker 203 Surface Plate, 14. Sturdevant Co. Use E-941 (original).5" 15” These are seven the 22 vises listed 1913 Inventory.F. BENCH, supported 15 cast iron legs, wood drawers, 64’ long 30" wide x 36" high (section 62-68, along south wall) May have been installed after experimental rooms were dismantled, although the legs are the same design those of benches installed 1887. Use E-1022 (original bench vise) and E-1023 (bench anvil). Use E-945. Use E-955 (original). Use E-1013 (Parker #203 bench vise), E-1014 (Prentiss #10 bench vise), and E-1997 (bending horn). BENCH, wood, long 30" deep 36" high (section 68) Typical early twentieth century machine shop furnishing. Use E-943. Provides blast air for furnaces bench E-941. 311 . Use E-946.Tinsmiths’ BENCH, 3’ 8-1/2’ 31" high, has sheet iron top (section 68) Figure 123. Use E-936. Similar design and construction other early benches. There were small surface plates benches throughout the shop; see figure 121. noiseless; by B. FITTINGS bench above, E-945: Bench Vise, Parker 203 Bench Vise, Prentiss 10 Bending Horn, iron, 24" long These are two the vises listed 1913 Inventory. Use E-1000, E-1016, E-1017, E-1018, E-1019, E- 1020/EDIS 26404, and E-1021 (bench vises); use E- 1862 (surface plate). BLOWER, no. Located on opposite (south) side center aisle 1914. BENCH VISE, Parker 272 Tinsmiths’ and BENCH ANVIL (section 68, attached to tinsmith’s bench above, E-941) Typical early twentieth century machine shop furnishing. BENCH, galvanized sheet iron top, long deep x 32" high (section 68) Typical early twentieth century machine shop furnishing. BENCH, 13-1/2’ long 2’ deep high (section 68, southeast corner) Typical early twentieth century machine shop furnishing