EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
Use EDIS 262/E-910 (original). Use EDIS 263/E-911 (original). 2-33.GAP-BED LATHE, 16" and 32" swing, bed, double pedestal base, back-geared with change gears; Pratt Whitney, Hartford, CT Accessories: Chuck, 15" Chuck, 36" Face plates (section 67) Figure 119. CABINET, wood, 48" 18" 40", with tool rack (on west end, section 67) Figures 120 and 123. GAS BLOWER, high pressure, mounted bracket attached column; by American Gas Furnace Co. Use E-929 (original). 8; 1920 Appraisal no. 2-24. Similar blower, mounted a skid with electric motor, is on the first floor, section 52. Universal MILLING MACHINE, no. GAS FURNACE, for soldering copper (section 68) 1920 Appraisal no. Use existing furnace on bench E-941. Use blower from first floor. Used for buffing., Torrington, CT (section 67) Figure 121; 1913 Inventory no. belt feed; by Brown Sharpe, Hartford, (section 67) Figure 119; 1920 Appraisal no. Acquire. 7; 1920 Appraisal no. 1913 Inventory no. 309 . 10; 1920 Appraisal no. 2-35. This unit may have been moved between 1920 and 1939. (section 68) Figure 119; 1920 Appraisal no. 2-10. ENGINE LATHE, 14” swing, 6’ bed, single back-geared, quick-change gear, pan and leg base; Hendey Machine Co. Torrington, CT (section 67) Figure 120; 1913 Inventory no. Use EDIS 261/E-908 (original). 2-34. 2-40. SPEED LATHE, leg base, 4’ bed, plain tailstock, plain tool rest, with chuck and polishing disk; Hendey Machine Co. Removed between 1920 and 1939