EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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1890 and 1900, and 1904, 1906, and 1914. 647 "Edison Laboratoiy, Inventory taken October, 1913“ Edison NHS collection. Furnishings the south side are somewhat sparse, because our understanding of what happened there and when happened still comparatively vague. This plan designed furnish the shop appeared 1914-1915, but it makes attempt address both characteristics the second floor shop—the fixedness the north side and the changeable nature the center and south aisles. The emphasis moving machines and acquiring replacements to furnish the north side appeared through the first two decades this century. may argued that this fluidity was lingering manifestation the flexible layout for the entire laboratory complex that Edison envisioned 1887. was originally partitioned off into experimental rooms. 849 Figure 129 shows the interior; the exterior appears figures 124 and 125.646 The south aisle another matter. The most noticeable proposed change the reconstruction the plank partitions that enclosed room There plenty evidence for accurate work, including figures 124 and 126 (taken April 1914), figure 125 (January 1915), 1916 floorplan (figure 4), cleats that once supported the partitions still attached the ceiling, and examples similar construction elsewhere the second floor.Building Precision Machine Shop, Second Floor The arrangement machine tools the north aisle the second floor precision shop largely unchanged from that shown photographs taken ca. 648 See figure 122.648 One the old experimental rooms, room near the elevator, remained intact through 1916. Most the walls came down sometime between 1906 and 1913 and the space was gradually filled with additional machine tools. 1913, the core shapers, engine lathes, and other medium-duty machines had been established the center the south aisle. Later plans and photographs suggest that the arrangement machines and benches the south side the second floor shop remained fluid through the 1920s and 1930s.649 848 See figures 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 123, 124, and 125.647 Assembly, and perhaps some experimental work, took place odd assortment of tables and free-standing benches the southeastern comer. By completely enclosing the 1918-20 tool crib and coat rack, reconstructed room 5 298