EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
ENGINE LATHE, 16” swing, 6’ bed, single back gear, quick . 1-38; figure 109. Use E-1931 (original). change gear, compound rest; by Hendey Machine Co. bed; LeBlond Machine Tool Co.SHELF, wood (on post at milling machine; section 53) Physical evidence. ENGINE LATHE, 21" swing, 8 ft. 286 ., Cincinnati, OH (section 48) 1920 Appraisal no. Sold Niles-Bement-Pond, miscellaneous dept. 1-14, section 48, between 1920 and 1939. 38; 1920 Appraisal no. Moved from section location of 1920 Appraisal no. RACK, for gears (at LeBlond engine lathe EDIS-216; section 48) Use E-1952 (original). LeBlond engine lathe above: Steady Rest Face Plate, 21” Special Face Plate, 15" Carrier Plate Independent Chuck, 8" Independent Chuck, 14” Following Rest Change Gears Accessories Countershaft (section 48) Use E-1779-1 through E- 1779-10 (originals). ACCESSORIES for Hendey engine lathe above: Drill Chuck Knockout Bar Accessories Draw Spindle Colletts Independent Chuck, 12” Steady Rest Following Rest Face Plate Carrier Plate Countershaft (section 53) Use E-1811-1 through E-1811-11 (originals). 1-42; figure 107. ACCESSORIES for in. Leave EDIS 236/E-1811 in place. Moved from section to position lathe no. Return EDIS 216/ E-1779 to 1914 location after suitable replacement found for 20" Fay Scott engine lathe., Torrington, (section 53) 1913 Inventory no. 39, in section 50, sometime after 1939