EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Do not replace belts - machine too close visitor path for safety., Worcester, MA. 3, 54" 13" table; by LeBlond Machine Tool Co. ACCESSORIES for Niles heavy duty shaper above: Circle Attachment Countershaft Rotary Table Use E-1837-1 (original accessories); E-1837-2 (original circle attachment); E-1837-3 (original countershaft); E-1837-4 (original rotary table). Installed between 1890 and 1906. Purchased from Niles Bement Pond, Miscellaneous Dept; not 1913 inventory. Use EDIS 225/E-1836 (original) Replace belts needed. Use EDIS 220/E-1837 (original). (section 47) 1913 Inventory no. 126; 1920 Appraisal no. 1-29; figures 101 and 106. COUNTERSHAFT, for Young power shear above (section 47) Use E-1829-1 (original) SHAPER, 30" stroke, traverse head sliding ways; by Niles Tool Works, Hamilton, OH (section 50) 1913 Inventory no. 1-34; figure 106. MILLING MACHINE with horizontal plain, model no., Cincinnati, (section 50) 1920 Appraisal no. POWER SHEARS and PUNCH MACHINE, W. 117; 1920 Appraisal no. Use E-1822 (original). Use E-1877 (original). Use EDIS 214/E-1829 (original). Youngs Co. 27; figures 100 and 102. 280 . SHELF, part guard for Niles shaper above (section 50) Added with the guard between 1914 and 1939.CABINET, top rimmed on three sides, supported two banks five drawers each; cut down from wider unit, 24"x 48"x 42" (near elevator; section 46) Figure 101.C. Replace belts needed