EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
636 636 J. The gross numbers lathes, milling machines, shapers, and other machines match fairly well but the descriptions of some specific machines not." The 1920 appraisal lists each machine maker, type, and general size (swing bed length for lathes, stroke for shapers, table dimensions for milling machines and planers, etc. Shop furniture and machine accessories were inventoried for the first time in 1939. Given this appearance inexperience carelessness, the 1913 inventory should used advisedly. October 1913, inventory helpful, but contains too many errors completely reliable. E-Cards were company-initiated museum cataloging system begun after Edison’s death. several cases the person who compiled the earlier list improperly described particular machines misattributed them reading the dealer’s plate instead the builder’s. Smaller machines were rearranged the early years of this century but beginning 1906, historic photographs, floor plans, and inventories show remarkable degree continuity the arrangement the shop’s equipment. There were number significant changes the management structure of Edison’s laboratory during the second decade this century, but they had relatively little impact the physical appearance the heavy machine shop. Small benches and stools appear have been moved 270 . fi37 See Photograph Albums (catalog 547), (catalog 548), and (catalog 549), and the E-Card files.Building Heavy Machine Shop, First Floor The largest tools the heavy machine shop have been place since the laboratory opened 1887. The shop divided functionally, with the heaviest machines in the center aisle, where they can served the crane-way.) Most the machines, listed some detail the 1920 appraisal, appear the 1913 inventory.C. The furnishings listed below were selected reflect the shop’s appearance during the early years World War Structural modifications, including stairway that was added 1914 and replacement wood windows with steel frames and sash 1915, preclude furnishing the space earlier date. McGarvey, New York Appraisal Company, "Inventory and Appraisal," 1920; "Edison Laboratory, Inventory taken October, 1913. A comprehensive set large format photographs taken April 1914, 1916 architectural drawings Building and detailed 1920 appraisal and sketch plan the machine tools are the principal evidence for this plan.637 Benches and cabinets can identified earlier photographs and compared with those photos taken part the 1939 inventory confirm their existence and location. Because most the large machines were their present locations 1906, the shop can interpreted from that time, even with 1915 furnishings plan. Large lathes line the south aisle and milling machines are clustered the eastern end the north aisle. Smaller lathes, shapers, and drill presses are scattered throughout the space with the largest drill presses along the cross-aisle near the west end the shop