EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
COUNTER/SHELYING (south side room, inside fence) Physical evidence. 268 . EDIS collection and acquire reproductions. SCALE, with weights (on serving hatch counter) Figure provides an example the scale. EDIS collection acquire. DRILL SHARPENER (on floor between counter and shelf, parallel hallway) Figure 93. EDIS collection acquire. The boxes face the inner aisle illustrate that stock dispensing was probably going through the hatch, rather than over the counter next the hallway.BOXES, cardboard and wood, various sizes, containing screws, bolts, and other types of hardware used the machine shop (most these boxes face the inner aisle; on shelves) An example the contents of each box was affixed the front the box for easy identification contents. CRATES and BOXES, wood (stacked below counter and either side gate) To show deliveries were made through this gate and nearby door Lakeside Avenue. Retain existing counter/shelving. Figure 93. ITEMS COUNTER: Coils Belting, and 3" Spools Wire Spool flat Sash Chain Scale and Weights C-clamp Needle-nosed Pliers Letter Press Mortar and Pestle Figure 90. EDIS collection acquire. Deliveries may not have been unpacked immediately. EDIS collection reproduce