EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
CALENDAR, ca,1916 (hung on chest drawers, facing passageway) See example figure 92. CLOTH SACK (on floor next to chest) Figure 93. EDIS collection acquire. RACKS, wood, single sided, inclined, with bar stock and strip stock, ft. EDIS collection acquire. in length (behind chest) Figure and 93. Figure 93. EDIS collection reproduce.Building Stock Room Object and Location Evidence Recommendation CHEST DRAWERS, 6 drawers high, drawers wide (several feet away from counter, near eastern-most column) Figures 90, 92, and 93. EDIS collection reproduce. EDIS collection acquire. CHEMICAL BOTTLES, 2, glass, partially full (on top of chest) Figure 93. WIRE, coiled, various sizes (hung column near chest) Figure and 93. 266 . SHELVES, one set (positioned parallel to passageway, running east to west) Only shelves seen visitors are filled with stock. TOOL CASE, closed, use with micrometer (on chest) Figure 90. Use EDIS originals. EDIS collection acquire. EDIS collection acquire. Acquire. SHELVES, floor-to-ceiling (running north south; also, retain built-in shelves east wall) Only shelves seen visitors are filled with stock. Use shelves EDIS collection. Figure 93. Acquire reproduce. BOXES, wood and cardboard, various sizes (stacked top of chest and against east end of chest) Figures and 93. Framed CHART (on east end of chest) Figure 93