EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Reconstruction shelving and walls extant the period before 1916 would block the line sight from the passageway and make impossible see into most the stock room. The stock room now appears is fundamentally different shape from the way appeared during the period before 1916.L. It important for the visitor see the length the room order understand it. was widely known that Edison stockpiled materials such tusks, herbs, and silk plush, addition cache chemicals, and the more pedestrian nails, drills, and stock metals used the adjacent machine shop. telephone booth was appended the southwest corner the stock room. Used together, these sources indicate that the stock room contained diverse mix the exotic and the practical. The lighting this space has changed little since 1914; the same incandescent bulbs metal reflectors are now present. 1939 there were several naked bulbs 261 . Most importantly, however, this plan retains the wire mesh fencing currently running along the south side the room. Note that change the configuration the stairs in that corner provides insufficient space reconstruct the booth.K. and Antonia Dickson their 1894 work. This furnishings plan recommends retaining the offices built the west side of the room the 1920s and keeps the present configuration shelving. The 1916 floor plan (figure shows the original layout the stock room, with the two offices along the west side the room penciled in. The evidence for furnishing this room includes four photographs from the period before Edison’s death, and photographs taken in 1939. (See figures and 93.) would also involve changing the existing stock room boundaries and removing the offices that have been established within it. retaining the wire fencing the plan allows the visitor view the entire south side the room. Producing furnishings installation completely accurate the period before 1916 would require moving large bank shelving and constructing wooden wall and counter along the passageway. However, although the configuration the space changed over time, the function the room remained the same and this continuity function allows some latitude in establishing the interpretive period. Essentially, this plan recommends placing the objects identified using evidence from the period before 1916 within the existing configuration the room, which was established some time after 1916.Building Stock Room The plan proposes furnish the room might have appeared during the period after 1916. Interpretation the stock room should provide balanced presentation, clearly explaining the important function the room storing tools and supplies for the machine shop while still acknowledging its eclectic nature and its subsequent power public relations tool. Dyer and Martin left detailed description the room their 1910 biography Edison, did W