EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Use periodicals EDIS collection reproduce sample bags/boxes. Use EDIS 652 (Award by National Academy of Sciences); locate and reproduce train print. ORE AND MINERAL SAMPLES, bags boxes, with tags (alcove 13, section 13) Figure 88; Edison: His Life and Inventions, 640: ". [the shelves] are formed a series glass-fronted cabinets containing extensive collections curious and beautiful mineralogical and geological specimens. Use item from EDIS collection. Framed PRINTS (on divider facing center room, section 14) Figures and 76. Framed PRINTS (hanging from railing, section 13) Figures and 88. PERIODICALS MINERAL SAMPLES (alcove 14, section 14) Figure 65.. Use periodical collection.Small TABLE (in alcove 12, section 12) Figure 64. Reproduce bags, boxes, and tags use Theodore Edison mineral collection jars currently place. 253 . Framed PRINTS, (hanging from railing, section 12) Figures 65, 76, and 88; Edison: His Life and Inventions, 641. Reproduce. Use EDIS 1834 (Administration Building, Columbian Exposition); EDIS 1862 (portrait Lord Kelvin). Use EDIS 3641 (Columbian exposition print). Use EDIS 1725 (Fish and Aquarium Building, Columbian Exposition); and EDIS collection. Framed PRINTS, dark wood frame (on divider facing center room, section 13) Figures and 88..." Shelves section did not have glass doors late as 1915, but 1931 the glass doors had been added.. MEMO BOOK JOURNAL (on table, alcove 12, section 12) Common practice library. Use EDIS 666 (panoramic view Edison exhibit at Lenox Lyceum); EDIS 659 (certificate from Sydney, Australia).. Framed PRINTS (on divider, alcove 12, section 12) Figures 62, 65, 73, and 76.on two sides both galleries... PERIODICAL (on table, alcove 12, section 12) Common practice library