EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
Use books from EDIS collection shelves. Across from him at the same desk was myself. Use EDIS 125. GLOBE, 30" terrestrial, manufactured Joslin and Son (in alcove section 7) Voucher 778, 1887; voucher 134, 1888; see figures 63, 64, and 74.." Use EDIS 123. Use EDIS 183. ARMCHAIR, swivel, oak, caned back and seat, with TAE monogram (in alcove 6, section 6) Common usage library; Edison: His Life and Inventions, 642; George C. FILE CABINET, oak (in alcove section 6) Common early twentieth century office supply. 22: ".. ORIENTAL RUG (under desk, alcove section 7) The Evening Sun, February 11, 1889: "On the polished floor.were thirteen thick, soft Smyrna rugs," Acquire. STATUE, The Genius of Light Bordiga, on marble base (in front of alcove section 7) Voucher 86, 1890; see figures 61, 64, 69, 70, 77, 81, and 86; Edison: His Life and Inventions, 642: "Directly opposite the main door a beautiful marble statue.BLUEPRINTS (on chair, alcove section 6) Reproduce. SIDE CHAIR, oak, caned back and seat, with TAE monogram (at table alcove 6, section 6) Figure 76. 244 .. Martin TAE, October 9, 1911, 1911.. BOOKS, various sets (on all shelves, alcove section 7) Figures 62, 63, 64, 74, 76, and 77. DESK, double, flat-top two single desks (facing each other, perpendicular to window, alcove section 7) Roderic Peters interview, p. Framed PRINTS, (on column right alcove 6, section 6) Figures 51, 63, 64, 74, 76, 81, and 86... Flint, Co. Use EDIS 8053 (photograph of TAE chemistiy lab); EDIS 702 (photograph of Edison Central Station, Wisconsin). Use EDIS 193. Acquire use desk(s) in EDIS collection. Use EDIS 121. voucher, 1889. Use E-3761, section 81.[a] clerk two clerks, had desk over here, Ike Walker who was Charles’ assistant.C.. Copper CUBE stand (in front alcove section 6) Figures and 76; T."; see figures and 86