Although Edison’s 1889 birthday gift added chairs, tables and fashionable
carpeting the room overnight, other furnishings such statues, photographs,
prints, office equipment and books were added gradually over the next years.
However, until the halon tank near the outside window can removed, the door
to this room should remain closed.
The plan suggests leaving open the door the office the library's northwest
corner show visitors desk, chairs, and other office equipment and supplies. The plan also
recommends the addition oriental-style carpets, reproduction hats and coats,
and the use most the monogrammed chairs from the 1889 gift. Historic photographs show desk tops and work
tables heaped with papers, desk baskets, blotters, and other office supplies.
The addition two private offices within the library was the only significant
structural change the room and affected furnishings only slightly. These offices,
built before November 1916, enclosed alcoves that housed office workers and made
these work spaces more private and formal.
. Alcove
numbers the plan refer numbers used the floor plan Building 5.
Recommendations include adding desks alcoves and and furnishing
desks and work tables with office equipment and supplies