EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
Edison National Historic Site," October 11, 1962. "Historic Structures Report-Part Metallurgical Laboratory, Building No. 5, Edison Laboratory National Monument," October 28, 1959. "Historic Structures Report-Part Power House-Boiler Room, Building No. The national press provided descriptions the laboratory again October 1931, when Edison’s body lay state there. "Historic Structures Report-Part Entrance Gates and Arches, ‘Historical Data’," April 10, 1961. Particularly detailed descriptions are given Cosmopolitan 1889 and Munsey's Magazine 1891. "Historic Structures Report-Part Chemical Stock Room and Pattern Shop, Building No. "Historic Structures Report-Part Chemical Laboratory, Building No. 6, Edison National Historic Site," May 20, 1964. "Historic Structures Report-Part Gate House, Building No. 4, Edison Laboratory National Monument," February 1962.physical structure the laboratory was also described extensively many newspapers throughout the nation the time the 1914 fire. PREVIOUS PLANNING DOCUMENTS Planning documents affecting the use and management the Edison laboratory are: “Historic Site Survey: Edison Home (Glenmont) and Laboratory, West Orange, New Jersey," June 30, 1954. The first page starts with Historical Data. Edison Laboratory National Monument," February 1961." date." title page. 9 . "Historic Structures Report-Part Main Laboratory Building, Building No. Edison Laboratory National Monument," April 21, 1959. "Historic Structures Report, Physics Laboratory, Building 1. "Interpretive Prospectus: Edison National Historic Site. Many periodicals covered Edison’s work and life during the West Orange years, tailoring descriptions fit with their own subject matter