EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
Use EDIS 318/E-5122 (GE motor) rewound/rebuilt Crocker-Wheeler. Edison purchased no. Moved from first floor basement between 1890 and 1914, head cut down fit. Use E-5132 E-5133 (original).) Replaced by: DC MOTOR, shunt wound, 10 HP, 850 RPM, 230 volt; by General Electric 1920 Appraisal no. Removed from service, June 30, 1961, now stored behind pattern lathe. Use E-5130 (original).A. 6-F Universal Trimmer, W. Purchased 11/18/1887, $175. EDIS collection acquire ladder; use existing mezzanine. LADDER, 12’ long, leading to lumber storage mezzanine (section 5) Required access mezzanine; see figure for illustration of mezzanine. Fay Manufacturing Co. BENCH, 15’ 5-1/4" long 24" deep, with Emmet vises EDIS 26400, EDIS 26402, and EDIS 26404 (section along west wall, south door) Figure 42. Use EDIS 315 (original). Fox Patents; Fox Machine Co.TRIMMER, No. SAWHORSE (section Figures and 42. JIGSAW 39" 32-1/2" iron table; J.00, voucher 784. Fox trimmer from Manning, Maxwell, Moore, Jan. 12. 231 . This one may have been substituted later. DC MOTOR, HP, 800 RPM, serial #469528; by Crocker-Wheeler Electric Co. 9. Use EDIS 317/E-5083 (original).R. LINE SHAFT, Edison Machine Works, Schenectady, NY (basement) Installed 1887. Use EDIS 276/E-5123 (original). TAE to Batchelor [summer 1887] (WOL-General, D-87-55); vouchers 590, 591, 696, 722 (December 1887)., (section platform in southeast corner shop. Use EDIS 26395/E-5125. Saw-Filing VISE, wood, 4’ long wide (section 5) Commonly used early twentieth century pattern shop. 11; E-5122 card documents changeover 1961. 10, 1888, voucher 232., Cincinnati, (basement) Figure 41; 1920 Appraisal no., Grand Rapids, (section 5) Figure 42; 1920 Appraisal no