EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
LATHE, wood, (unknown make) 12" swing, bed (section south bandsaw) Figure 42; 1920 Appraisal no. GLUEPOT, qt. TOOL HOLDER for lathe, made Williams, #O-Left (section wood lathe) Use EDIS 26565/ E-5088-4 (original). Use EDIS 325/E-5089 (original). COUNTERSHAFT, for wood lathe EDIS-320 (section 7; attached mezzanine floor joists) Figure 42. Adjustable TABLE, ft.PLANS, rolled, stored in racks above east. CABINET, hardwood, contains patternmakers’ nails (section 7) Figure 42. Use E-5088-1 (original)., Rochester, NY; American Model 36, 36" throat, 32" square tilting table, "Shop No. Use EDIS 320/E-5088 (original). cube (section special adjustable table fit wood lathe) Figure 42. Use E-5114 (original). 229 .wall bench, and benches (section 7; northeast comer) Figure 42. PATTERNMAKERS' BENCH, includes one Emmet patternmakers’ vise EDIS 26401, and one wooden vise EDIS 26403 (section along east wall) Figure 42. BANDSAW SETTING MACHINE, made Goodell & Waters (section attached to bandsaw) Use EDIS 26416/E-5090 (original). Use EDIS 26396/E-5110 (original). 101336" (section north end of central row machines) Figure 42; 1920 Appraisal no. 1. (section bench EDIS 26396) Figure 42. 2. Reproduce. Use EDIS 26419/E-5108 (original). Use EDIS 26630/ E-5088-2 (original). Clement Co. TOOL HOLDER for lathe; by Williams, #O-Right (section 7; on lathe) Use E-5088-3 (original). BAND SAW made Frank H