EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Strana 244 z 336

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Poznámky redaktora
30, 1887, $20. EDIS collection acquire. Use EDIS 26435/E-5094 (original). PATTERNMAKERS’ BENCH, 14’ long, 28" deep, with two Emmet patternmakers’ vises attached (section along west wall, north door) Figure 42. Use EDIS 26410 (original). Use EDIS 26397/E-5101 (original). Purchased from Manning, Maxwell, Moore, Dec. Use EDIS 326/E-5093 (original). CLAMPS (section racks above benches along west wall) Figure 42. CABINET, pine (section 8; west wall) For patternmakers’ hardware. 227 . Surface Plate TABLE, 49-1/2" x 24", iron surface plate, E-5112 wood stand with castors E-5113 (section 8) Figure 42. TOOL RACKS with TOOLS (section benches along west wall) Figure 42. SURFACE PLATE (section 8; on bench EDIS 26397) Figure 42. Surface Plate TABLE, 34-1/2" x 24-1/2", iron surface plate, E-5119 on.00, voucher 232. Reproduce. EDIS collection acquire. wood stand with castors E-5120 (section 8) Figure 42. Common usage. Use EDIS 26434/E-5099 (original). CABINET, pine (section 8; northwest corner) Figure 42. PATTERNS, wood, phonograph base plate (section 8;1 benches) Used show phonograph project was being worked on throughout the laboratory complex. Use EDIS 26407 EDIS 26409 (original).Building Pattern Shop Object and Location Evidence Recommendation BENCH, long, deep (section along west wall, north door) Figure 42. For patternmakers’ leather strips (fillets). COAT and HAT (section on hooks above benches along west wall) Figure 42. Use EDIS 26412/E-5100 (original). Reproduce