EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
MASTER MOLD, copper (on table) 1914 Document File, Phono. Working MOLD (on table) 1914 Document File, Phono. Experimental RECORDS (on table) 1914 Document File, Phono. 221 . Use EDIS 49226. Use EDIS 1540. Use EDIS 49227 through EDIS 49235. Figure 34. Reproduce. Use E-3501 and E-3397. Acquire. SACKS BULK CHEMICALS (on the floor) Bulk chemicals were placed near the south window, which now the door the lean-to.Experimental BLANKS, (on table) 1914 Document File, Phono. THERMOMETER, 600 (on the floor) Voucher 39, September 1909. ICE CHESTS, (on the floor) Used interpret heating and cooling tests done this room. Use EDIS 24845