EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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MORTAR and PESTLE (on table) Used conducting tests. Acquire. FUNNELS, (on table) Used conducting tests. CASSEROLE, large (on table) Figures and 21. Acquire. EVAPORATING DISHES (on table) Used conducting tests. Use EDIS 3153. Reproduce. Reproduce. PIPETTES stand (on table) Used conducting tests. Use EDIS 2866 and EDIS 2866. BEAKERS, (on table) Used conducting tests. EDIS collection reproduce. Use E-1449.FUNNELS, fluted (on table) Figures and 21. Use EDIS 21180 and EDIS collection. Round-bottom FLASK (on table) Standard laboratory equipment. Measuring CYLINDERS, 2, one small and one medium (on table) Standard laboratory equipment. CHEMICALS: Benzol Benzine Ammonia Nitric Acid Sulfuric Acid (all table) 1914 inventory. Use EDIS 1478 and EDIS 6131. Use E-1437. HYDROMETER, (on table) Used conduct test requested above. Round-bottom FLASKS, 7, three large and four small (on table) Figures and 21. HYDROMETER STAND (on table) Holds hydrometer. Use EDIS 29218. Reproduce. Acquire. Use EDIS 20586 (small measuring cylinder); EDIS 20578 (medium measuring cylinder). BUNSEN BURNERS, (on table) Standard laboratory equipment. Slips PAPER, requesting tests, (on table) See 1910 Document File, Storage Battery; 1912 Document File, Storage Battery. Reproduce. 216 . FILTER PAPER (on table) Used conducting tests