EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
LAB NOTEBOOK (on table) See Laboratory Notebook 10- 05-23; Storage Battery Notes. CIGAR (on table) Figure 22. RED PENCILS (on table) See Voucher 57, January 1911. CRUCIBLE (on table) Figure 23. Reproduce. Acquire. EDIS collection acquire. East Wall: SIDE TABLES, (against east wall) Figure 23. Use EDIS 21350. North Wall: COUNTER, open below (against north wall) Figure 24, Reproduce. 45-46. EDIS collection acquire. Acquire. Use EDIS 8917. Use E-1327. Acquire. Use EDIS 208. MAGNET WIRE (on table) Voucher 49, November 1910. BALANCE (on counter) Figure 24. Use EDIS 8916 and EDIS 8920. Reproduce. CABINET (on counter) Figure 24. Reproduce. LAB NOTEBOOKS, (on table) Figure 23; Laboratory Notebooks 10-02-11, 10-04-10, and 10-09-29. BOTTLES, cork-top (on table) Figure 23; Ebner and Amend’s Chemical Supply Catalog, pp. CYLINDER BOXES (under table) Figure 24. BELL JAR (on counter) Figure 24. EDIS collection. STAND, large (on table) Figure 23. Reproduce. MICROSCOPE (on table) Figure 23. EDIS collection acquire.PAPER, crumpled (on floor) Figure 20. Acquire. 202 . This microscope longer in collection; substitute EDIS 8922. VULCAN MATCHES (on table) See Voucher 16, October 1910. CYLINDER MICROSCOPE (on counter) Figure 22. BALANCES, (on table) Figure 20