EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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199 . This area, a counter against the north wall the main space Building devoted to experiments and testing storage batteries undertaken Fred Ott.Northwest Corner, Main Room: Storage Battery Experiments. TABLE (against north wall) Figure 21. CHAIR (at table) Figure 21. EDIS collection. The adjoining table against the west wall contained drying oven and drying crucibles, probably used recover the residue from the solutions used , batteries. Use EDIS 7896. Reproduce. Use E-5103. DRYING OVEN (on table) Figure 21. Both images have been used to get the greatest amount detail. Use existing table or reproduce. SHELVES (above table) Figure 21. Reproduce. The storage battery cells have been added illustrate the function this space. Object and Location Evidence Recommendation West Wall: HOOD (west wall) Figures and 34. BUNSEN BURNER (on table) Figure 21. This plan based two sets images the chemistry lab: One set from around 1904, and the other from around 1910-1914. Reproduce EDIS collection. EDIS collection acquire. Drying CRUCIBLES, (on table) Figure 19. FILTER PAPER (on table) Figure 19. Acquire. North Wall: (wall between front and back rooms) SHELVES, (on wall; shelves should full of chemicals figures 33 and 35) Figures 21, 32, and 34. TABLE (west wall) Figure 21. TOILET ROLL (attached to table) Figure 21. is sparsely furnished with Bunsen burner, stand, and casserole. Use EDIS 15909. Acquire